No ‘crisis in Islam’: Just apathy of so-called ‘historians’ 403 July 9, 2015 |
Countering anti-Muslim hostility with jokes, via ads, film and a festival 401 July 9, 2015 |
The Ramadan of adults balanced with the Ramadan of children 399 July 9, 2015 |
Ramadan: A good time break bad stereotypes 397 July 9, 2015 |
Dubai achieved goal to become capital of Islamic economy: Mohammed 395 July 9, 2015 |
Genetic tweaks are restoring hearing in animals, raising hopes for people 393 July 9, 2015 |
How to eliminate extreme poverty in 169 not-so-easy steps 391 July 8, 2015 |
The Prophet’s kindness to animals 389 July 8, 2015 |
Teachers join students on Ramadan fast to raise money for Cardiff Foodbank 387 July 8, 2015 |
On life, death and forgiveness during Ramadan 385 July 8, 2015 |
Ramadan through the eyes of a non-Muslim 383 July 8, 2015 |
Jeddah creates Guinness world record with longest iftar table 381 July 8, 2015 |
Ten years on, the undeniable, growing power of the BDS movement 379 July 8, 2015 |
Growing up Gazan: Tales of a Palestinian teen 377 July 8, 2015 |
Saudi Arabia puts big money in Russian economy 375 July 8, 2015 |
Can Iran help the West defeat ISIL? 373 July 8, 2015 |
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Aid groups warn of famine as Yemen war’s civilian toll tops 1,500 371 July 8, 2015 |
President Obama: ‘We will never be at war with Islam’ 369 July 8, 2015 |
Yemen’s civil war isn’t as bad as Iraq and Syria. Yet. 367 July 8, 2015 |
Greece given days to agree bailout deal or face banking collapse and euro exit 365 July 8, 2015 |
How the Prophet spent Ramadan’s last third 363 July 7, 2015 |
An empty seat at the Iftar table 361 July 7, 2015 |
23.5% surge in Islamophobic acts in France: Report 359 July 7, 2015 |
For some Palestinians in East Jerusalem, a pragmatic ‘Israelification’ 357 July 7, 2015 |
Turkey caught in quandary over Uyghurs 355 July 7, 2015 |
Angela’s ashes: How Merkel failed Greece and Europe 353 July 7, 2015 |
Leftist parties in troubled E.U. states may find their fates tied to Syriza 351 July 7, 2015 |
How U.S. spin on access to Iranian sites has distorted the issue 349 July 7, 2015 |
Putin lurks on the sidelines as Greek economic crisis heads down to the wire 347 July 7, 2015 |
Recent ISIS losses show it can be defeated, Obama says 345 July 7, 2015 |
Iranian nuclear deal set to make hardline Revolutionary Guards richer 338 July 7, 2015 |
Eurozone struggles to find joint response to Greek referendum 341 July 7, 2015 |
How Britain and the U.S. decided to abandon Srebrenica to its fate 339 July 5, 2015 |
Greece, China, and Russia – a Plan B for Greece 336 July 4, 2015 |
What distinguishes Islamic banking from conventional banking 334 July 4, 2015 |
American Muslims part of national fabric 332 July 4, 2015 |
Nihad Awad: An American Muslim perspective on the Fourth of July 330 July 4, 2015 |
ISIS are barbarians – but the Caliphate is an ancient Muslim ideal 328 July 4, 2015 |
Majority of Britons see Islam as threat, new poll reveals 326 July 4, 2015 |
ISIS looting Syrian, Iraqi sites on industrial scale: Unesco 323 July 4, 2015 |
U.N. rights body backs Gaza war accountability 321 July 4, 2015 |
Yemen’s Houthis attack Saudi Arabia’s Najran and Jizan 319 July 4, 2015 |
Egypt’s ISIS affiliate fires rockets into Israel 317 July 4, 2015 |
Iran nuclear deal: ‘We have never been closer to a lasting outcome’ 315 July 4, 2015 |
China criticized over Ramadan restrictions 313 July 4, 2015 |
Greece and global class war 311 July 4, 2015 |
Ramadan amongst the rubble of Gaza 285 July 4, 2015 |
Tens of thousands rally in Athens ahead of referendum 308 July 4, 2015 |
Saudi Prince Alwaleed pledges $32 bln fortune to charity 306 July 3, 2015 |
Good on you, Greece – But don’t waver now 304 July 3, 2015 |